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About Piggy Oink


Full Name: Piggy Oink

Species: Pot-Bellied Pig

Gender Identification: Male (He/Him)

Birthday: July ?, 2000


Height: 2 feet

Weight: 25 pounds


Unique Traits: Can make a sideways smile

Favorite Color: Green

Favorite Food: Portobello Mushrooms and Baked Beans

Favorite Sport: Aerial Fart Racing

Favorite Hobbies: Pranking friends, pretending to be a secret agent


Favorite Movie Characters: James Bond, Austin Powers

Dream Job: Secret Agent


Superpowers: Talking with humans, sentience, extended life span, rapid production and large storage capacity of gas in the body, farting to fly at high speeds, cartoon-like durability to injuries, shapeshifting

Character Bio

                                                 (under construction)

When Piggy Oink was a piglet 22 years ago, he escaped from a pig pen and wandered into the woods. Farmer John was driving his tractor Old Blue one morning when he noticed that all of his dairy cows were gathered together at the edge of his field nervously mooing at something. When he arrived, the cows moved aside to reveal a weak and exhausted piglet. Farmer John knew that this piglet must have been lost in the woods for a while because he didn't squeal and squirm after being picked up. Since Farmer John couldn't run due to his wooden leg, he drove Old Blue as fast as he could with one hand while holding the piglet with the other. He rushed to the milking station and ordered Katherine, one of his employees to fill a calf bottle with fresh milk from one of the dairy cows. Realizing that the nipple on the bottle was too big, Katherine suggested the idea of using a pipette to feed the piglet. She went to the milk testing lab to retrieve an unused pipette and gave it to John. While this worked, it wasn't giving the piglet anywhere close to the amount of milk that he needs. Michael, another employee who overheard the conversation between John and Katherine about their problem with feeding the piglet offered them a spare baby bottle that he kept in his car for his 3-month-old daughter. After Michael cleaned, filled, and handed the baby bottle over to John, the piglet accepted it and began to guzzle down on the cow's milk. After two days of closely monitoring the piglet's health, he began to show signs of improvement. A few days later he fully recovered and followed John, Katherine, Michael, and everyone else who worked at the dairy farm.

For the next few weeks, John contacted several farmers to see if they were missing any piglets. None of them claimed that they lost a piglet. After failing to find the piglet's owner for a month, John gave up his search and decided to adopt him.

Over the next few days, John was shocked when he noticed that his piglet began to physically change. First, he noticed that the piglet's body started to bloat as if he was being inflated like a balloon. Second, he observed the piglet's legs getting shorter and wider while the tail grew curlier. Third, he watched as his piglet's eyes mutated into black vertical slits and his nose began to look more cylindrical in shape. The fourth and final thing he watched was the piglet's ears growing bigger and his mouth moving more to the side of his face. After all of these transformations, John's piglet now looked like a ball-shaped cartoon character.

The last and final thing that happened to his piglet was just as shocking as his physical transformation. Just like human babies and toddlers, the piglet began to babble as if he were trying to learn how to talk. A few weeks later, the piglet learned how to say a few words like "da-da," "piggy," "oink," "milkie," and "ball." Farmer John still didn't know what to name his piglet since he wanted a unique name for him. One day when his piglet was babbling up a storm, John heard the words "piggy oink, piggy oink, piggy oink" from his piglet. After repeating those words playfully back to his piglet, John liked how piggy and oink sounded together and quickly realized that Piggy Oink would make a perfect name for his piglet.

John and the employees who saved Piggy Oink's life made an oath to keep Piggy Oink a secret since he mutated physically and is now sentient. Susan later found out about Piggy Oink after he accidentally destroyed her flowers and promised to keep him a secret if John paid for the damages which he did. John along with the employees taught Piggy Oink how to speak and even home-schooled him, teaching him everything that human children learn from elementary school all the way up to college.

History of Piggy Oink

Piggy Oink Carving_front.jpeg
Piggy Oink Carving_back.jpeg

I first created Piggy Oink in the early 2000s when I was on a Boy Scout camping trip. I noticed that another troop was carving animal figures out of wood at a workstation and I really wanted to try it myself. Unfortunately, I was told that the activity wasn't available for my troop. Undeterred, I decided to get my own piece of wood to carve from our troop's firewood pile. Since I wasn't allowed to take our troop's ax and handsaw outside of the wood chopping zone which was just a few yards away from the firewood pile, I had to use the tiny saw in my Leatherman to painstakingly saw through an entire log. After what felt like an hour of sawing, I finally cut out the piece of wood I wanted. After resting my sore hand, I sketched out an animal I wanted to carve. I decided to go with a pig and drew a few sketches. When I started carving, I quickly realized that the wood I had wasn't suitable for carving because I could only remove thin layers of wood at a time. Since the wood I cut was round in shape, I would have to remove a lot of wood to create a rough shape of my pig's body. I decided to halt my project which I had barely begun and studied my sketches. I had a side view and a front view of my pig. I examined the head on the front view drawing and had a random idea. I decided to erase the body and draw some hooves on the bottom of the head. I loved the idea and immediately resumed my project. By just carving out the head and hooves of my pig, I was able to cut back on a lot of carving time. My best friend was with me and he decided to make up a funny song about my pig carving. The lyrics mostly contained the words piggy oink in them and that's how I got the idea of naming my carving Piggy Oink. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to finish my carving by the time my troop had to pack up and leave. To this day I still have my incomplete carving of Piggy Oink sitting on my desk.   


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